Soft loans, subsidized loans, partial repayment of capital, guarantees
Funding institutions provide various financial aid instruments, such as loans, interest rate subsidies, and guarantees. Our team specializes in managing the reporting of these instruments, offering banks a comprehensive system to handle:
soft loans and investment loans with subsidies from the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR).
subsidized loans and de minimis guarantees from Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK).
subsidized loans:
from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW).
The system supports our customers in mandatory reporting to the funding institution.
Efficiency gains:
streamlining the grant approval process
assisting banks in securing subsidies from payment institutions
simplifying reporting tasks
reducing operational costs by eliminating intermediary steps in preparing information for payment institutions
enhancing reported data accuracy while enabling comprehensive management of loan-related information
Core components of the soft loan management system:
support for ARiMR-subsidized soft loans, investment loans, disaster-related interest subsidies, and partial repayment of capital
management of BGK-subsidized housing and student loans
support for NFOŚiGW-subsidized loans
administration of BGK-guaranteed/endorsed loans (e.g., KFG, COSME, FGK, FGP, POIR, FGR, RFM, EFPiG, BK)
Handling loan applications and contracts for medium and large companies under the Liquidity Guarantee Fund, including BGK’s aid packages for firms affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
management of contracts from the Borrowers Support Fund
processing applications and loans for subsidies under the "Clean Air" program
Key benefits of the solution:
parameterization of loan, guarantee, and endorsement conditions according to the specific rules of various aid programs
registration of borrowers, applications, and loans in compliance with program requirements
verification of application and loan data against program conditions
automated monitoring of granted guarantee limits
calculation of aid amounts
registration of loan amendments
generation of subsidy requests
issuance of certificates for granted aid amounts
generation of data for reporting to aid institutions
automated generation of reporting documents
Business area
Director of Implementation Department for the Financial Sector
Phone + 48 696 496 791