Solutions for tax administration


Solutions for tax administration

Your e-PIT is our flagship service! Yarrl's analysis, development and testing team has been providing the so-called next release of e-PIT for several years, that is, ensuring the annual readiness of the modern service of the Ministry of Finance, allowing taxpayers to settle their income tax efficiently and without problems.

The service is launched for the previous year's settlements on February 15 each year. Your e-PIT automatically generates documents for taxpayers:

PIT-28, PIT-36, PIT-37, PIT-38, PIT-DZ, PIT-OP. The taxpayer, after verification (possible modification), approves his annual return, including jointly with his spouse or as a single parent.

Based on the data held by the National Tax Administration, PIT-37 and PIT-38 (also PIT-OP) returns are automatically accepted in the system by KAS even if the taxpayer does not take any action in the system. As a result, the taxpayer avoids the risk of not submitting the documents by the applicable deadline. In addition, the continuous service ensures submission of corrections and review of submitted documents.


The service is enjoying unflagging success, as evidenced by the numbers:

From the point of view of the statement submitter, the benefits are equally important: one can easily complete or copy and update data from a previous statement and quickly print the finished statement. These functionalities provide a much lower risk of making a mistake, as OMA keeps an eye on the correctness and uniformity of the data structure.

Ministry of Finance (MF) and the National

The Tax Administration (KAS) is making the Your
e-PIT. It is one of the most popular e-services of the Polish administration. It is breaking popularity records year after year.

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